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        Virtualisation can boost mobile working

        Virtualisation can boost mobile working

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          Serviced office space holders using the latest virtualisation technology can benefit from improved hot desks and more flexible mobile working.

          According to the Guardian, central government is already making use of the innovative technology and solutions such as cloud computing that are already widespread in many private businesses.

          Virtualisation allows you to get those vitally important servers out of the office space, freeing up room for more important things and cutting energy consumption at the same time.

          Speaking at a recent roundtable hosted by GC and sponsored by Citrix, one delegate claimed that the regular replacement of office space IT is quickly becoming a thing of the past.
          “The idea of a four-year replacement cycle for PCs in most of our areas of operation has gone,” they said.

          “On a virtual PC, [the need for resource heavy updates is removed] so the device on the desktop can be a lot less powerful but still deliver [an up-to-date] experience,” they noted.

          Information Week’s Anand Naik recently claimed that server virtualisation was the biggest office space trend of 2010.

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