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        SMEs can ‘benefit’ from London 2012 Olympic Games

        SMEs can ‘benefit’ from London 2012 Olympic Games

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          Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) could benefit enormously from the upcoming Olympic Games in London, according to Our Team 2012.

          The initiative explained that a legitimate link with the Olympics could be “very valuable” to SMEs.

          Andre Owen, spokesman for Out Team 2012, said: “It’s an opportunity to bring staff and clients to these international events, meet athletes and really understand and be inspired by them.”

          Furthermore, Mr Owen claims that the Olympics could inspire businesses and their staff, by providing them with lessons that they could take away and learn from.

          “You can look at issues of teamwork, team-building, maintaining maximum performance, succession planning – all these things have been well executed in team sports particularly,” he added.

          Our Team 2012 is a programme designed exclusively for SMEs to help them benefit from the journey toward the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

          The joint venture is run by the British Olympic Association, British Paralympic Association, UK Sport and LOCOG and aims to raise up to £25 million in funds to support athletes preparing for 2012.

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