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        5 reasons you should be cycling to work

        5 reasons you should be cycling to work

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          Are you ready to join the cycling revolution?

          From improvements to your health to saving on your commute, we take a look at some of the top reasons to swap cars and public transport for a cycling helmet…

          Roads are getting safer for cyclists
          Many would-be cyclists are deterred from pedalling to work because of safety fears. Thankfully, the government has promised £2bn towards creating safer routes for vulnerable road users. Over 150 miles of protected cycle lanes are in the pipeline for Greater Manchester and Transport for London has revealed plans for a “bike Tube” network above Underground lines. Updates to the Highway Code are also in the works to give cyclists greater protection on the road.

          You’ll save on commuting costs
          Travel expenses are a major concern for many office-based workers. Running a bike on the other hand, costs almost nothing. A service every few months will help keep parts in their best condition but most of the checks involved are easy to learn yourself. The Government has even launched a voucher scheme giving £50 towards the cost of keeping bikes roadworthy.

          A new bike is more affordable than you think
          A good-quality bike is essential if you plan on cycling to work for years to come and the best models come with hefty price tags. Luckily, there are plenty of schemes available to spread the costs, with payments taken from your gross salary before tax. Those who sign up can save up to 39% on the price of a bike including helmets, pumps and other riding gear.

          Cycling can boost your health and fitness
          Cycling can burn up to 750 calories an hour, the perfect way to squeeze in some exercise before your working day begins. In fact, a study of over 250,000 UK commuters found that pedalling to the office on a regular basis could help almost halve the risk of heart disease or cancer. Remember, the more you cycle the easier it becomes, and you’ll notice a positive difference in your fitness levels too.

          You’ll reduce your carbon footprint
          During lockdown, some of London’s busiest commuter spots saw air pollution plummet by 50%. Although we won’t see the drop in traffic levels continue as we return to work, the efforts of a few can make such a big difference to the environment. Just a 5% increase in cycling would save 8 million car journeys, 9 million rail journeys and 13 million bus journeys across the UK. Breathe that in.



          Image credits: spkphotostock via iStock & bernardbodo via iStock


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