Millennials (Generation Y) are the generation of workers aged from 18 to around 33. They have a reputation for being difficult to manage as they are “arrogant” and “lazy”. But is this true? Here are 7 tips for managing Millennial employees effectively.
1. Don’t stereotype
You may think that all Millennials are young bearded men or girls with big glasses and unwashed hair. But while some may indeed be vinyl-loving hipsters, others may be more traditional. Don’t tar all young people with the same brush – every employee has different skills and motivations. Get to know their strengths and weaknesses and help your Millennials to grow.
2. Encourage them
Millennials have a can-do attitude but crave feedback. Make sure you plan in plenty of time to provide lots of on-the-job coaching and daily or weekly feedback. They may seem needy, but by investing time in your Millennials you’ll encourage them to be loyal to your company.
3. Use their tech skills
Millennials were born into the world of the internet and are used to living their lives online. Use their skills to your advantage. You may find that by doing so you spend less on IT issues and find new ways of communicating to clients through social media.
4. Ensure a good work-life balance
Many Millennials reject the traditional 9-5 and appreciate more flexible working conditions. Just because they don’t work the same hours as older staff doesn’t make them inferior – they still want to deliver great results at work. Millennials work hard and play hard. Smart employers are aware of this and allow flexible working hours so that their employees can balance work and home life.
5. Encourage collaboration and team working
Millennials grew up working in teams at school and university, so they perform best in workplaces that encourage collaboration. Most Millennials enjoy networking and sharing their success through social media, so encourage this cooperative spirit by setting team goals and conducting training in groups.
6. Make the office fun
60% of Millennials change jobs within 3 years, according to a survey by research firm Millennial Branding. Staff turnover can be a really big expense for any company, so making your office a fun place to work is definitely worthwhile. You could get your Millennials to plan company events to make sure they feel involved. Also, make sure that the workspace encourages creativity – for instance, open plan offices work better than closed-in cubicles. Creating lunchtime seating areas or providing sofas where people can have a break and chat to colleagues can also make a big difference, as they make any office feel more personable and friendly.
7. Set personal goals
Millennials work better if they feel they have a clear purpose within the company. They also want to develop their own career and value training opportunities. Make sure you sit down with each team member every month to check on their progress against their goals. Happy, fulfilled employees make better, more productive workers.