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        Music in the office space can boost morale

        Music in the office space can boost morale

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          Piping music into the office space can make workers more productive, boost morale and reduce stress levels.

          According to the International Stress Management Association (ISMA) playing music can also boost wellbeing and make an office space a more pleasant place to work.

          Francis McGinty, an organisational stress management professional and board member at ISMA, said: “Some music sets up sound vibrations in the brain that promotes the release of the feel-good neuro-chemicals such as Dopamine that [can cause an increase in office motivation].”

          “Also on a subconscious level, familiar music can act as a trigger to past experiences and this also promotes the brain to relax as it remembers pleasant experiences.”

          Mr McGinty also claimed that employees should be encouraged to listen to their favourite music during the commute to and from the office space.

          He pointed to research from mental health charity Mind, which showed that 74 per cent of employees listen to their favourite tunes while commuting and more than half feel energised for the day ahead as a result.

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