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        Tech companies fail to engage with social media

        Tech companies fail to engage with social media

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          Despite a large number of tech companies using social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, only 31 per cent of them are actually using them in a social manner, new research has found.

          As a way to engage with your audience these sites offer a whole new dimension, but many B2B companies are not making the most of this, the survey by EML Wildfire showed.

          Only 14 per cent of tweets sent to tech companies were replied to or retweeted, showing a lack of interaction.

          Linkedin was the most popular networking site used among the tech professionals with 92 percent on it and YouTube the least widely used with 44 per cent.

          Facebook has 800 million active users with the average person having 130 friends on the site.

          Debby Penton, director at EML Wildfire, said: “The vast majority of businesses we speak to now accept that social media is something they should be doing. But we are still seeing confusion about how to approach these new channels and get the best out of them.”

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