Want to impress potential clients when you’re networking in the City of London? Here are a few tips and tricks…
Whether you’re in the City of London networking or your business is based in the area and you’re meeting with clients for the first time, there are a few things you can do to impress these potential partners, customers and clients.
Check out our guide to impressing your clients in the City of London…
Show them around
If you’ve got clients who are visiting the London from outside the capital, why not be their London City guide for the day? Take them to all the best places for lunch, treat them to drinks and even take them back to your offices to give them great views across the capital’s financial district. A bit of inside knowledge along with a generous spirit can go a long way.
Be yourself
Don’t try too hard to impress people – they’ll notice. Try being yourself and you’re more likely to make a good impression. Honesty is a much better policy when it comes to connecting with clients – after all, they’re humans too and just want to be treated as such.
Ask about them
While you might be looking to sell them something or promote your business, try not to focus on yourself – especially if you’re meeting someone for the first time. Make a personal connection first, then bring in the business side. Do this by talking about them – ask them about their day, what they’re doing in London etc.
Know their needs
Try and do some research before meeting people. If you’re going to a City of London business event, try and find out what kind of businesses will be attending – will it all be financial, or will they be from a specific sector or country?
Knowing what a company does allows you to take the next step – finding out what a company needs gives you the advantage of being able to pre-empt their requirements. And if you’re struggling to find it out through your own research there’s a really easy solution – ask them. Be up front and honest about it, instead of trying to find it out through unrelated questions.
Get back to them
Once the event is over– whether it’s been at a networking event, or at a more formal meeting in your City of London offices – you need to follow up. Nothing shows how committed you are more than making sure you keep in touch.
Review what you went over and try and come up with a few talking points – either answers to their questions, links to a new article about a topic you discussed or simply following up a personal conversation by asking how the rest of their stay was. A simple email or phone call the following day using these topics as starting points should impress them, showing your attention to detail and adding a personal touch.