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        BE Offices’ Euston and Farringdon buildings join the 2022 Mayor of London’s Business Climate Challenge

        BE Offices’ Euston and Farringdon buildings join the 2022 Mayor of London’s Business Climate Challenge

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          BE Offices’ Euston and Headspace Group’s Farringdon buildings have been accepted on to 2022 Mayor’s Business Climate Challenge with the Camden Climate Change Alliance.

          BE Offices today announces it has been accepted at two locations to participate in the 2022 Mayor of London’s Business Climate Challenge with the Camden Climate Change Alliance following its successful contribution to the 2021 pilot scheme.

          The challenge is a unique opportunity for organisations to reduce emissions to help London achieve its 2030 net zero goals, as well as future-proof their businesses against raising energy prices. Findings from the pilot, in which BE’s managed workspace division BE.Spoke participated with its Borough building, indicated that in the first nine months of the programme participants reduced their energy consumption on average by 16%.

          BE Offices’ Euston building, Evergreen House, together with its Farringdon building on Hatton Garden, which operates as coworking space under BE’s Headspace brand, will receive free bespoke technical support from specialist consultants Turner and Townsend. This will take the form of workplace energy audits with follow-up recommendation reports suggesting energy efficiency measures and a road map to net zero.

          BE’s participation in the 2021 pilot, working alongside Better Bankside, at BE.Spoke’s Borough building, resulted in a 28% reduction in energy consumption through some simple adjustments and recommendations. As well as now working with the Camden Climate Change Alliance to reduce emissions at its Euston and Farringdon buildings, BE Offices will continue to work with the Mayor’s scheme through Better Bankside as they extend the support offered in the pilot project to advance energy saving efforts with the intention of making a 10% or more emissions reduction year-on-year.

          Commenting on the success of the pilot, Ashley Hughes, Head of Facilities at BE Offices said: “Our success with the pilot demonstrates businesses can make a real difference in a relatively short period of time, with minimal outlay. The recommendations provided by Turner and Townsend provided an excellent framework to work towards which we have continued by implementing internal energy and cost monitoring processes. We are looking forward to working with the BCC team again at our other locations and continuing our journey towards net zero.”

          Mayor of London's Business Climate Challenge pilot participants certificate presentation with Shirley Rodriguez

          The Mayor of London is working through its business engagement partners to engage businesses right across London who are rising to the challenge of making our capital city net-zero and tackling the climate emergency. Alongside being an important action for London’s climate goals, taking action to reduce a building’s energy consumption can help a business to:

          • cut energy costs
          • mitigate against climate change by investing in the building and future proofing it
          • show the company’s sustainability commitments to employees, customers, and investors
          • optimise a building’s energy consumption for current and future occupancy
          • achieve benefits for staff, such as providing a comfortable space with optimised lighting, heating, cooling and other facilities
          • be a part of a London-wide green recovery, driving the transition to a net-zero city.

          Commenting on the scheme, on behalf of the Greater London Authority, Deputy Mayor for Environment and Energy, Shirley Rodriguez said: “London’s businesses have a key role to play the fight against climate change and collaborations like the Business Climate Challenge are going to be crucial way for the public and private sector to work together.

          “Business membership organisations have enormous potential to lead the city’s businesses in their efforts to become net-zero. I am excited to be partnering with nine membership organisations to support their businesses to reduce their energy use, costs and carbon emissions.”

          The Mayor’s Business Climate Challenge (BCC) is an energy efficiency programme which supports businesses to reduce their energy consumption and to accelerate building decarbonisation efforts in London. Emissions from heating and powering London’s commercial and industrial buildings currently make up 36 per cent of the capital’s carbon footprint.

          The programme provides free support to help make buildings more energy efficient, reduce energy costs and support businesses on their pathway to zero carbon. The BCC has been developed with pro bono support from Bloomberg Associates, and builds on learnings from other global cities.

          Business engagement partners include Better Bankside, Camden Climate Change Alliance, Heart of London Business Alliance, Islington Sustainable Energy Partnership, Love Wimbledon, Positively Putney, Station to Station (Lambeth), The Fitzrovia Partnership and Team London Bridge.


          Image courtesy of Greater London Authority shows BE’s Ashley Hughes, Head of Facilities and Julie Tucker, PR & Corporate Social Responsibility Manager receiving BE.Spoke’s certificate of recognition for the 2021 pilot project from Deputy Mayor, Shirley Rodriguez

          Top image shows Evergreen House in Euston and Jewel House in Farringdon

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