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        Bring the St. Patrick’s Day spirit to your office

        Bring the St. Patrick’s Day spirit to your office

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          Want to bring some fun and frolics into your office this March? Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day might be the ideal way. Here’s how to throw the perfect Paddy’s Day party at work…

          On March 17 Ireland celebrates its patron saint, St. Patrick. Legend has it that he not only brought Christianity to Ireland, he also banished its snakes into the sea. Plus, did you know his favourite colour was blue, not green? (Whoever let a bit of historical fact ruin a perfectly good colour scheme?)

          Paddy’s Day is dedicated to celebrating Irish culture including food, drink and dancing. Here are some ideas to get your office party started.

          Get dressed for the occasion
          Make sure everyone’s in the St. Patrick’s party spirit by requesting they wear green from head to toe. Award a prize for the best dressed – double points for creativity (and triple points for face painting).

          Group of Friends Celebrating St Patrick's Day at Beer Pub

          Shamrock your office
          How many different shades of green are there? You’re about to find out. Green bunting, green balloons, green streamers. You’ll want it all. And then stick some shamrocks over the walls for luck.

          Do an Irish-inspired pot lunch
          Ask everyone to bring in an Irish-inspired dish. Don’t worry if it’s not authentic Irish fare, it’s the thought that counts. From potato casseroles and warming vegetable stews, to green cupcakes and shamrock sweets, if everyone brings in something small, you’ll soon have a feast.

          Get whiskey sampling at happy hour
          Expand your knowledge of the mighty dram with a whiskey tasting set. You can buy these online complete with notes – or save money by making your own.

          If whiskey is a bit much for an afternoon in the office, why not make some healthy smoothies? Anything green will do – apples, celery, kale – just get blending. On theme, delicious, and one of your five a day? Tick, tick, tick.

          Play some games
          Get as many items of green clothing as you can find, and challenge players stand on one side of the room and place the clothes on the other side.

          Players then must either hop like a frog, or if you want to use two players, must play leap frog from their side of the room to the other side. When they reach the other side, they must put on one item of clothing and hop back.

          The first player to successfully go back and forth five times –putting on an additional green item each time – wins!

          Get dancing
          Irish folk dance music is practically mandatory on St. Patrick’s Day, so get jigging. Look up some Riverdance videos on YouTube for inspiration. Who knew Tom from accounting was a secret Michael Flatley? Or maybe you’ll discover a new skill yourself…


          Images courtesy of Press Association

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