BE Offices Barbican Business Centre on Beech Street has been shortlisted as a finalist for the City in Bloom Awards, a celebration of the horticultural delights of the Square Mile!
City in Bloom is an annual campaign organised by Friends of City Gardens and supported by City Gardens, City of London Corporation which recognises the work of communities, businesses and residents in making the places we live, work and visit greener. No matter how big or small an entry anyone is encouraged to take part with entries ranging from the expanse of a green roof to the smallest of window boxes to, each has its part to play in making the City greener.
Based in the City of London, Friends of City Gardens is a community group supporting the City’s gardens team. Its aims are to improve access to green spaces, to enhance biodiversity and create exciting new gardens in the City.
This is achieved by the organisation of a variety of activities for all age groups in City gardens, including curriculum-based sessions for primary school children, family fun and games in holiday time; cultural and art-based events; gentle pottering for older residents; biodiversity surveys and biodiversity action sessions.
Friends of City Gardens engage with the business community and organise specialist workshops on enhancing green roofs for biodiversity. It also organises corporate volunteer days.
City in Bloom is an annual competition run by Friends of City Gardens on behalf of the City which culminates in an Award Ceremony that is a celebration for all City communities – businesses, residents, institutions, churches, schools and community groups.
From the 130 entries City in Bloom has shortlisted around 40 of the most outstanding and our Beech Street Centre Manager, Yasmine Shah, has been invited to attend an awards ceremony on the 12th September where the final winners will be announced.