The next generation of office workers will need an entirely different set of skills than those who have gone before, according to new research.
As requirements for modern businesses change, so do the ways in which employees work and Virgin Media Business has surveyed companies’ attitudes towards this.
One of the main findings was that 60 per cent of respondents expected more members of staff at their firm to participate in flexible and mobile working in the coming decade.
Tony Grace, chief operating officer at Virgin Media Business, said: “Our research shows there is a real desire for a workforce that has a blend of skills. A familiarity with IT is only going to become more important.”
New recruits and new ways of working will also come with a new ethos and 23 per cent of the firms interviewed said that a ‘can do’ attitude would be at the top of their list of priorities.
As graduates compete for the best jobs on the market in a time when there is great competition companies can afford to look for the best talent and have high expectations in this way.
The second most important area of proficiency for employers was in information technology, where they would like new recruits with specialist skills.
This may be due to the fact that advances in technology are occurring all the time and companies realise that hiring new talent able to deal with sophisticated devices is a wise move.
Mr Grace said: “The Education Minister has recently announced plans to overhaul the teaching of IT in schools. A move we welcomed.”
It is widely believed that children have a better grasp of IT and a fifth of firms said they wanted children to access more of their learning online in order to prepare them for the workplace.