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        Employers want recruits of a similar age

        Employers want recruits of a similar age

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          The atmosphere in a given office is affected by a huge number of things – even by the Feng Shui of office space furniture.

          Creating a light and airy feel with some quality decor and comfy chairs can make an office a far more pleasant place to work.

          But, one of the major factors affecting the atmosphere of office spaces up and down the country is the age of the workers that use it.

          And, according to new research conducted by the Employers’ Forum on Age (EFA), employers are unconsciously reinforcing age discrimination by picking candidates of a similar age to themselves.

          Described as “mini-me syndrome”, the EFA said the result is that more than two-thirds of office space workers share a similar age.

          Speaking to People Management, Denise Keating, EFA’s chief executive, said: “There seems to be a very high instance of people being selected for a new job or promotion if their ‘face fits’, which unfortunately means some people feel that talent isn’t enough to overcome prejudices.”

          She concluded that while most business owners have a respectable diversity policy, the majority do not ensure that this enforced in the office space.

          Recently, Unison’s assistant policy officer Michelle Singleton claimed that flexible and mobile working practices could be used to boost office space diversity.

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