Gadget fans and office space techno-wizards need to take responsibility for the recycling of their gadgets, it has been claimed.
According to Suzi Perry, the co-host of Channel 5’s The Gadget Show, there are a number of eco-friendly gadgets out there, but the tech industry has a long way to go before it becomes sustainable.
She said part of the problem was people’s lack of awareness when it comes to the recycling options for both personal and office space gadgets.
“We need to be well aware of what we’re doing and the energy we’re using. It has to come from us as well,” Ms Perry concluded.
Recently the Centre for Alternative Technology claimed that office space workers were not easily fooled by unsubstantiated environmentally-friendly claims made by gadget manufacturers.
The CAT said that consumers want to see evidence that companies are actually doing their bit to help stop climate change before trusting them.