Spring has now officially sprung, and the time has arrived for a good old spring clean in your office space in London or the rest of the UK.
Clearing desks and removing old and broken office furniture and equipment can have a great impact on staff motivation, as well as making everyone that little bit calmer and happier as they are not surrounded by junk.
You could take the easy approach and just have a whip around with a duster and clear out the drawers, or you could get brutal, like one office in America, where employees were told to stick everything they didn’t use in a skip.
John Caraccicolo, chief executive of JVC Broadcasting Co, told Detroit News: “It’s the feeling we all get when the first sunny day hits. You want to start new and fresh and get ready for a busy second and third quarter.”
Insight Performance says that having an office spring clean can improve morale, productivity and creativeness.