People working in shared offices and other buildings should spend no longer than an hour and a half at their desk before getting up and doing some simple stretches, according to a health and wellbeing consultant.
Hermie Hogg, founder of Hermieopathy, said that after an hour and a half at the desk, workers should get up, exhale and stretch to de-stress.
Ms Hogg explained that this was a simple way of combating the lack of exercise that is possible in an office environment.
She said: “Exercising is not always possible, especially if you have got a high-powered job, but you could without any excuse, get up and go to a window, go out, or go to the bathroom, and just exhale three times. It doesn’t take long.”
Breathing is viewed as a key factor for wellbeing. By exhaling, people rid themselves of stale air and create space for fresh air to replace it.
A recent study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) has suggested that women who sit down for long periods of time every day are at increased risk of pulmonary embolism, compared to more active women.