If you want to keep hold of your student temp workers year after year, check out these top tips…
As university cities across the country gear up for Freshers’ Week, for many business owners this time of the year marks the departure of their student summer temps.
Some offices find it a challenge to get good prospects to come back year after year, but it doesn’t have to be such a struggle.
Follow our top tips to keep your summer temps coming back for more.
Manage expectations
When you have a new student summer temp starting, it’s always a good idea to talk about expectations so that both of you know exactly what you want out of the situation.
If your employee feels overworked or underused compared to what they were expecting they’ll be less likely to want to come back. So, make sure you keep everyone happy by setting out clear goals at the start of the summer.
Talk to them about their plans
As ever, communication is key. Talk to your temp about their plans for the university year ahead and any thoughts they might have on next summer.
They might not necessarily be thinking that far in advance, but if you make it clear to them there’s a possibility for them to return, it may spur them into doing so.
Keep them involved
If your student temp has been an important member of the team throughout summer, try and keep them involved when they go back to their studies.
Keep them up to date with any business developments by sending them regular emails, or sign them up for the company newsletter if you have one. When they come home for the weekend, why not invite them out for Friday afternoon drinks? Not only is this a good way to catch up, it’ll also keep them feeling like a valued member of the team.
Offer freelance work
Just because your summer temp has gone back to university, doesn’t mean that they can’t keep working for you. If you liked their work, then why not offer them some freelancing?
A lot of students look for an extra way to earn some term-time money and for many, freelancing will make a nice change from the typical bar jobs. Not only will it give them some much-needed money, it will make it easier for them to slip back in next summer.
Be flexible
Students fill up their summers in a whole host of ways, whether it’s summer jobs, backpacking on a budget, or working abroad. If you want your temps to come back to you, it’s always a good idea to stay as flexible as possible.
If they want to go Interrailing around Europe for a month next summer then it’s unlikely they’ll want to commit to a solid period of work. But if you make it clear that they can be flexible and work around their trip, you’ll both end up with what you want.