Good levels of morale increase productivity in the office and ensure employees are happy and motivated when at work.
Low morale can easily break a company’s success, so it pays to keep a close eye on it and use simple and creative approaches to strengthen it. Here we look at some tips for helping employees feel at home when they come into the office.
Introduce plants
Spartan workplaces can be dull and uninspiring, not to mention very unhomely, so it’s a good idea to introduce plants to the office.
A number of studies have shown that adding a touch of greenery here and there can significantly help employees feel more at home. This, in turn, is beneficial for you as it boosts productivity through enhanced concentration and satisfaction, making it a win-win situation for all parties involved.
Keep office equipment out of sight
No one likes clutter. Desks covered in office equipment can be a depressing sight, especially at the beginning of the day.
You should provide ample storage to keep binders and files hidden from view, plus places to keep bits and bobs like pens and pencils organised so they’re not sprawled all over the shop.
But think outside the box. Storage doesn’t have to be conventional. Go for wooden bookshelves and decorative cupboards, like you’d find around the house, rather than plastic draws and metal cabinets.
Stock the kitchen cupboards
A good office kitchen is integral to keeping staff happy. Everyone enjoys a cup of tea or a mug of coffee in the morning, but sometimes there isn’t enough time to make one before heading out the door to work.
Having adequate tea and coffee making facilities on site, including well-stocked kitchen cupboards, will go a long way to helping employees feel at home. Supplying biscuits and cakes also works wonders.
Create a lounge area
Breaks are an important part of the working day. They help employees unwind and recharge their batteries. But having a break at a desk defeats the object. You should therefore consider creating a lounge area.
Think sofas, coffee tables, rugs and other home comforts. A designated room with such features will establish an area that is separate from the workplace, giving your staff the opportunity to relax away from the working environment.
Supplying a selection of newspapers and magazines to read also helps employees escape for a few minutes.
Let staff bring in personal items
There is no substitute for personal items like photographs when it comes to helping employees feel at home in the office, so grant your workforce permission to put pictures of their family and friends on their desks.
The personal touch should never be underestimated.