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        Internet speed: Why it’s crucial for business

        Internet speed: Why it’s crucial for business

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          All companies rely on a good internet speed to run at least some aspect of their business today. Whether you’re a small start-up or an international organisation, your success depends on being able to communicate effectively.

          We increasingly rely on cloud services, digital platforms and real-time communication, so a high-speed internet for business is vital for customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.


          Why do upload and download speeds matter?

          High-speed internet for small business is just as important as a fast connection for multinationals with hundreds of employees. Connectivity speed is what you should be asking about when choosing office space.

          The key factors your business should consider are the upload and download speeds of your internet plan: upload speed relates to how long it takes your computer to send files to a different location, such as the cloud storage system, or another computer. The minimum average upload speed to successfully carry out most business tasks is 10 Mbps (megabits per second). The download speed means how long it will take for your computers to receive information from elsewhere.

          The minimum recommended download speed for businesses is 100 Mbps, although some intensive tasks require a far greater bandwidth than others. Obviously, the faster the internet speed for business, the better, as it has become a major factor in day-to-day operations.

          Computer user checking internet speed


          Increased productivity

          Your business’s daily output is directly influenced by the speed of the internet. A fast speed enables quicker access to information, smooth collaboration and efficient communication.

          When you’re working with a fast connection, employees can upload and download files with ease, engage in video conferencing and access cloud-based applications without disruption.


          Collaborating in real-time

          A prime example is having an internet speed fast enough to run the necessary equipment for video conference meetings: video call delay caused by a slow connection can wreak havoc on real-time collaboration.

          Instant messaging, document sharing and real-time collaboration, regardless of geographical location, can all be scuppered by a poor connection.

          It’s hard to maintain professionalism when something so fundamental to your success as communication is delayed due to a poor internet speed. It gives customers, competitors and business contacts the impression that you’re an amateurish organisation.

          Email usage at work is also dependent on your internet speed, especially if you need to send a lot of mail over the course of the day. If you’re sending 100 emails, for example, you’ll need a greater bandwidth to ensure they arrive promptly without slowing down operations for other internet users.

          The minimum required speed for seamless streaming, browsing, server hosting and conferencing is 250 Mbps, but again, the faster the better, as far as your business is concerned.


          E-commerce transactions

          If your company is engaged in online transactions and e-commerce, a quick internet connection is mandatory. Customers shopping online don’t want to watch a screen buffering or a tiny clock going round when they attempt to make a payment. They expect safe, secure and swift online transactions when entrusting you with their debit and credit card information.

          A slow internet connection can lose sales, as shopping carts will be abandoned, or your server may fail to make the connection in time, leading to an unsuccessful transaction. Customers will go elsewhere if they feel frustrated.

          A poll of 1,250 online shoppers by shows 50% will simply leave the site if the web page takes too long to load, abandoning any items they have already placed in their cart. More than half of respondents (53%) say they expect a website to load in three seconds.


          Negative impact of slow internet

          A fast internet speed means data backup and recovery can be carried out smoothly and quickly. Whatever size the company, it’s crucial to backup critical data securely, without negatively impacting other operations.

          A slow connection means other aspects of your day-to-day could be slowed down while backup takes place. It can also damage your success in terms of customer service. Customers don’t want a slow response to queries and complaints. Efficient processing of orders, fast access to customer data and a rapid resolution to complaints all combine to improve the complete customer experience.

          Running a digital customer base is the most efficient way forward, providing your internet is up to the job. A study by Forbes revealed nine out of ten customers will leave your brand if they experience bad customer service. This means almost everyone feels the same about this important aspect of trading.

          A particular issue is being kept waiting while on a call. Your company is limiting its success if customer service advisors are having to put callers on hold while they access data online.

          Leaving a customer sitting on the end of the phone, listening to your representative clicking away at their keyboard surrounded by a resounding silence, is quite possibly the worst thing you can do. It can be easier for callers to simply go elsewhere if they feel your brand isn’t making enough effort to answer their queries.


          BE Offices’ tech bundle

          Working in the leading serviced offices London has many advantages for your business. This includes our amazing tech bundle, made possible by our dedicated 10 Gb internet pipes. You deserve the fastest speeds that are dedicated for your use and not shared by others in your building.

          What happens if the primary line fails? Not a lot, as you’re instantly flipped to our back-up line, which is faster than most of our competitor’s primary lines.

          All our centres have 10 Gb internet pipes, which means we’re never short of the capacity to deliver superfast speeds. Combined with our robust backup lines, you can rest assured your business can continue to operate seamlessly even in the event of an outage.



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