Job applicants who are sending their CVs to firms in serviced offices should make sure they can back up the claims on their CV, according to the Write Stuff.
The consultancy said that it was important for people to be able to support any claims they made about their skills and experience with firm evidence.
Founder Peter Panayotou said: “What tends to happen a lot with CVs is that you’ve got people who will make a claim about them being capable of doing something without necessarily providing the evidence and that can be a problem.”
He added that any claims which could not be backed up were “meaningless”. However, he warned not to spend too much time justifying claims, as it was important that CVs were concise.
Figures from GfK Custom Research have shown that 58 per cent of workers aged between 18 and 29 are either currently actively looking for a new job, or they will be within six months, making this advice particularly pertinent.