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        Measuring office energy use is the first step to cutting down

        Measuring office energy use is the first step to cutting down

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          Companies in serviced offices which are looking to up their green credentials should start by measuring their energy usage, before they cut down, the British Council for Offices has said.

          Staff who want to do more recycling or save electricity need to first engage with the concept and monitor just how much energy they use in order to realistically attack the problem, the body added.

          Paul Edwards, chair of the council’s sustainability group, commented: “Just measure how much energy you use and monitor it. Once you do that you realise, ‘Actually, why am I doing that? Why am I paying all that money? Why am I leaving the lights on overnight? Why is the air conditioning running all night and day?”

          He added that it was a big step towards cutting down.

          The news comes as the UK Green Building Council and the British Property Federation sent a letter to the prime minister calling for the government to honour its commitment to improve energy ratings.

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