With only 53 per cent of professional workers in the UK using the entirety of the holiday entitlement last year the British habit of living to work is growing.
In the UK, 23 per cent of respondents took two-thirds of their allocated entitlement and 11 per cent took none at all, according to figures from Robert Walters.
The stretched conditions of workers and team who are trying to do more with fewer resources may be the reason, as employees simply can’t see how their work will be covered in their absence.
Some workers it seems would prefer to curtail their holiday than return to the office with a much harder job to do and bigger workload than if they hadn’t stayed away.
What is more surprising is that the rest of the world are also missing some of their holiday time with only 39 per cent taking their full entitlement.
Full time workers in the UK are entitled to 28 days holiday a year if they work a standard five day week.