Virtual offices provide the flexibility without the burden of huge overheads for tech start-up companies in comparison to traditional offices.
This is the opinion of Mark Gilbreath and he should know as he is a veteran of the tech industry of 20 years and the CEO of new start-up, LiquidSpace.
A start-up’s initial capital can be eaten up by the economic burden of leasing workspace and a business can be allowed to grow organically if it is not restrained by the size of its premises, he said.
Traditional offices don’t necessarily work well for every type of business, especially those that rely on creative output from employees.
Some people prefer to sit on their own or in quiet places, where as others prefer the hustle and bustle of people and energy around them and virtual offices allow an extra level of flexibility.
Virtual offices allow businesses to maintain a level of professionalism while providing flexible working for staff and not having to spend the same amount of money on rent.
Mr Gilbreath said: “I have been intrigued with alternatives to traditional workspaces for a long time, from both a business efficiency and an environmental impact standpoint.”