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        Office space stress could be on the rise

        Office space stress could be on the rise

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          Office workers in the UK are likely to be under more stress as job security and economic woes take their toll on the British workforce.

          According to The Work Foundation, looming public sector cuts could flood the jobs market with potential candidates and the steady rise in unemployment is causing those with jobs in the private sector to doubt the permanence of their roles.

          Stephen Overell, associate director of policy at the foundation, said: “There are big worries about job security, of course, caused by rising unemployment, and that’s been exacerbated by the threatened cuts that are coming.”

          “The upshot of that is that people are experiencing that their work is a bit of a strain and that their hours are going up, as well.”

          His comments suggest that business owners need to do everything they can to make their service office spaces a less stressful place to be for their staff.

          Recently, Isabelle Ratinaud of Monster said that many private sector workers were worried they were being overlooked for promotion.

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