Just two weeks ago, British office workers were in the doldrums. Blue Monday was in full swing and workers found themselves at the mercy of post-Christmas debt and coalition government cuts.
Business owners with their fingers on the pulse were sprucing up their office spaces and offering their workers additional support to help them through the trying times.
However, two weeks later and things are starting to look up again – at least temporarily.
Today (Monday January 31st) is, apparently, as good as it is going to get in the coming year.
Happy Monday, as it is known, is considered the happiest day of the year for a number of reasons.
Dr David Holmes, senior psychologist at Manchester Metropolitan University, said: “We each experience an average of ten major happy days every year but none is happier than January 31, or Happy Monday.
“We all go into work on that Monday – January 31 – with renewed vigour, buoyed by the excitement of having money in the bank again and having one of the major family events of the year – the annual summer holiday – to look forward to.”
Recently, Dilys Robinson, from the Institute of Employment Studies, said employers can play a big part in lifting their employees’ spirits as the economy begins to pick up again.