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        Rein in unruly office workers, managers urged

        Rein in unruly office workers, managers urged

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          In a busy office environment, things only tend to run smoothly if everyone buys into the workplace culture and adheres to best practice.

          Employees need to have a degree of professional pride, which not only directs them to work hard but also behave in an appropriate way in the office.

          Managers cannot spend their whole day supervising and guiding unruly individuals – this takes their time and attention away from other more pressing matters.

          And it also limits the contact time they are likely to have with other team members – such as new hires – who may need more practical support on a day-to-day basis.

          Writing for the Post-Tribune, business expert Harriette Cole says it is important that managers are prepared to take a tough line with ‘difficult’ employees where necessary.

          If their behaviour does not meet the standards expected of office workers, they should be left in no doubt over the need to improve going forwards, she said.

          Ms Cole noted that some individuals – particularly those who have come from a different professional environment – have never learned proper office etiquette.

          In this situation, she said it is worth bringing in the human resources department, who may be able to assist in delivering appropriate training.

          “If you can immerse [employees] in the protocol of this new work environment, you may find they are a quicker study than you imagined,” Ms Cole said.

          “In addition, you can sit down and speak frankly with them about their behaviour and how it has impacted the office.”

          She said managers should go through each detail and explain what is expected of the individual, and how their behaviour could have negative impacts on the workplace.

          Strong management here could make everyone’s lives easier in the office, and help the workforce as a whole improve productivity levels.

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