Rising workplace stress should be a major concern for business owners and they should be doing everything they can to tackle the issue.
According to The Work Foundation, the economic downturn and potentially damaging government cuts are expected to exacerbate the problem of stress in the office in the short term.
Stephen Overell, associate director of policy at the foundation, said: “Work intensity and stress were a particularly big problem in the UK workforce as a whole prior to the recession and there is evidence now that things have got a bit worse in that respect, and that’s exacerbated by things like job insecurity now as well.”
Mr Overell claimed there is no silver bullet for tackling workplace stress, but suggested creating a “positive climate” in their office space that was seen as supportive would go a long way towards remedying workplace stress woes.
He said managers who fail to act now could witness further deterioration in staff morale.
His comments echo those of Capita HR Solutions, which claimed that downsizing was a major cause of dwindling morale in offices.