The long month of January can bring on the blues in even the happiest of people. Find out how to banish Blue Monday feelings with these tips.
You’ve hit the post-Christmas slump, and January payday seems miles away. The weather is awful, and the hangover from your New Year’s party is only just abating. The January blues are a real phenomenon, even if “Blue Monday” is just a marketing stunt. Supposedly the most depressing day of the year, it takes place on Monday 21 January in 2019.
Despite the blues, the long stretch of the first month of the year can be a fulfilling time for change with the right attitude. Read on for tips on how to keep a positive outlook as the year begins.
Get some vital Vitamin D
The shorter days of January can make a long working day feel dreary, so make sure you get outside while you can. Take a walk during your lunch break or find a local green space to get as much Vitamin D as you can. It’ll help stave off the January sniffles by improving your immune system and making you feel happier.
Make an exercise plan
The stereotype of joining the gym in January is there for a reason! Not only can exercise help you to get physically in shape, it’s also great for improving your mental wellbeing. Having a focused goal and getting the blood pumping is great for feeling revitalised and energised for the year ahead.
Plan your holidays
Part of why the January blues get to you is because the excitement and fun of Christmas and New Year has passed. Having something to look forward to is great for helping you feel as though you’re working towards a fun goal, rather than just going through the daily grind. The process of planning can be fun, too – and the earlier you do it, the better and cheaper the deals will be and the more likely you’ll get the time off work.
Try a new work activity or working space
The new year is a perfect time for initiating a change. It doesn’t have to be big, but trying a different way of working or adding a fresh work activity to your schedule can be enough to revitalise your career and keep you from feeling blue. A change of scenery, even in the workplace, can keep your life from feeling too stagnant and get you talking to new co-workers
Remind yourself that January is just another month
It can be easy to convince yourself that January is a watershed moment for the year ahead and that you need to make it the most productive month for work. That’s a lot of pressure to put on yourself, so try to remember that January is just another month – you have a whole year to achieve your goals.
Images courtesy of Press Association